holy shit, it's ThE gRaNdChiLdReN!


Bios 2


Contact Page


tHe GrAnDcHiLdReN
welcome to the site of the grandchildren. hooray!!
We are so back on track! after a huge bump in our road, we're finally back in the driving seat. With the aquisition of a new camera, and a load of other video equipment, we're back into it all. about time too. Not only that, but the site has been completely updated too, so be sure to check it all out.
::OuR pHiLoSiPhY::
the thinking behind the grandchildren is simple - if it can't kill you, why the hell not? look over there, dont you dare, swear, its a scary bear, boom boom a tish. that's what we think and if you don't i will and you wont. tata.

Talk to Us!
We want you to talk to us! if you have any questions, comments or opinions, don't hesitate to email us. *NOTE: this link has been fixed and you CAN now e-mail us at our new adress!!*
Contact us

Thanks Go To:

::jason, max, dave and all of the grandchildren::
::our loved ones for putting up with us::
::Liz, for hosting our parties::
::FreeWebSpace for hosting us::
::NoSaJ for having the website idea::
::inspiration from many places::

GrAnnY's FaVoRiTE!
granny's favourite grandchild this week is dave! find out more on our biography page!
Contact Dave!